Beyond the Self Employment Grind

Let's Design Our Work For A Rich And Relaxing Life

Feeling burnt out by your high-paying self-employed career, or riding the feast-or-famine income rollercoaster?

I know exactly how that feels.

For years, I felt trapped by the "income for hours" thing.
So I jumped into going solo, yearning for freedom.

But guess what? It turned into a financial rollercoaster – never knowing if the next project would come through.

Painful as it was, all I craved was freedom, yet I was living the exact opposite.

As you read this, I want you to know there's a way out!

The way out starts with a mindset shift. 

When you change how you see your work, you'll start taking different actions, like identifying ideal clients, developing new income streams, or creating boundaries to protect your time. This is where you redesign your work for freedom and flexibility.

I know it doesn't sound fancy, and it's no quick fix.

But seriously, with a few tweaks to your approach, who you work with, and how much you work, you can unlock a whole new level of control.

Here’s the best part?

Most definitely, it is for real we can achieve time independence, financial security, and even location independence if we give ourselves permission to choose a different way of treating our work.

Here's the thing, it all starts with accepting your current situation and making a decision to see yourself in a different way.

Believe it or not, upgrading your self-identity is the first step to creating your ideal rich life.

I am on that journey myself, and I can share with you how to get out of the GRIND.
If this speaks to you, then I won't waste your time.

  1. It will take dedicated effort, but in 6-8 months, you can break free and design a completely different life of FREEDOM.
  2. I've documented the steps in a self-paced course. It's an investment but priced to help you take the leap and upgrade your work life.
  3. It will show you how to upgrade to be rich and not just look rich.

Introducing the IncomeShift Framework

Hi–I’m Zuricka.
a soul experiencing a human life.

I live in a cozy small town in New Zealand surrounded by my loving family, friends, and nature.

I guide internet self-employed professionals to be RICH rather than look rich by upgrading our inner identity.

A RICH LIFE doesn't have to be a distant dream—it can be within reach.

True Wealth is when you can have joy, peace, time, to enjoy the money you make without seeking validation or recognition from others.

That's freedom to experience everything life offers, while gracefully letting go of everything that doesn't align with your deepest desires.

Let's embark on this journey together and unlock a RICH LIFE.

Give Yourself Permission

To Have The

-- Freedom to put you, your family, friends, food, well-being, animals, and nature first

-- Freedom to enjoy life on your terms

-- Freedom to live a RICH meaningful life

It starts now….